Kucoin® | Login (Official Site | en-us)®

Once on the KuCoin homepage, locate the "Login" button typically located in the upper right corner of the screen. Click on the "Login" button to proceed to the login page. …

Creating Your Kucoin Account

To embark on your trading journey with Kucoin, the first step entails creating an account. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Visit the Kucoin Website: Access the official Kucoin website through your preferred web browser.

  2. Click on "Sign Up": Locate the "Sign Up" option on the homepage and click on it to initiate the registration process.

  3. Provide Required Information: Fill in the necessary details, including your email address, desired password, and any additional verification steps as prompted.

  4. Verify Your Email: After completing the registration form, a verification email will be sent to the provided email address. Click on the verification link to authenticate your account.

  5. Set Up Security Measures: Enhance the security of your Kucoin account by enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) and other security features offered by the platform.

Logging into Your Kucoin Account

Once you've successfully created your Kucoin account, logging in becomes a breeze. Follow these steps to access your account:

  1. Visit the Kucoin Website: Open your web browser and navigate to the Kucoin website.

  2. Locate the "Login" Button: On the homepage, find the "Login" button located prominently at the top right corner of the screen.

  3. Enter Your Credentials: Input your registered email address and password in the designated fields.

  4. Complete Security Verification: Depending on your security settings, you may be required to complete additional verification steps such as 2FA authentication.

  5. Access Your Account: Once all credentials are entered correctly and any additional security measures are completed, click on the "Login" button to access your Kucoin account dashboard.

Last updated